• Crafting A Custom Book Shelf

    custom bookcaseThroughout history, we have all placed a lot of value on books. They appeal to us on so many different levels and often you will see offices or mansions with a large book display. They are simply “classic”. Therefore, there are many larger and custom homes today that are being built with a bookcase as a focal point. You can do the same with a little creativity.

    Why You Want a Book Case

    custom book caseWhen you think about a bookcase, you likely imagine a library, but the truth is; they can be so much more. They can hold educational books and books that allow you to travel into another world beyond our own. These shelves can hold keepsakes amid books that you have chosen specifically because you value them. You can choose to have books that are classic novels such as “Gone with the Wind.” You can have books by your favorite authors. You get to choose, and no matter what you place on it, the end result will capture the attention of anyone who visits your home. The reason is simple. People are drawn to books. Even people who are not avid readers, will appreciate the fact that you display a love of books. They will also appreciate the style of your bookcase if you decide to custom design it.

    Building a Custom Book Case

    shiny bookcaseSome of the most beautiful book shelves are custom made. Luckily, this is not a difficult process. You simply need to measure the area of your home that you want the book case to go. From there, you will need to gather up your building materials. This should include wood, wood glue, screws, your drill, and of course the saws that you will use to cut it out. You will want to have a measuring tape to ensure that you are cutting the right lengths. You should measure both the width and height that you want.

    Longer boards will be needed for the sides. If your unit is going to be wide, you may also want a longer piece of wood in the middle as a brace for the shorter shelves. Place them all together to create a box. Your actual shelves should be placed into the “box” frame. Secure it all with wood glue and screws. When your shelves are in place, you will want to add a back, typically large sheets of plywood. Wood is always beautiful, but to finish out the bookshelf, you may want to consider staining the wood and perhaps even a coat of food safe epoxy like this. Epoxy will give the shelves a glossy look and give them extra protection.

    Enjoy the Beauty of Your Personal Library

    After your unit has been built, you will need to put it in its place and load it up with books, treasures, and more. Not every space on a bookshelf has to be devoted to books. You may also put some photographs in beautiful frames on the bookcase to give it a personal touch. No matter what you end up doing on your shelves, it will be beautiful and make your home look more “sophisticated and glamorous”.

  • Obscure Nonfiction Reads

    nonfictionFor every person who loves to read, there are thousands of books available to read. There are stories you can enjoy that take you from past experiences through futuristic fantasies. Everyone has a favorite author and a favorite type of book to read, but there is also another type of book that you may find enjoyable once in a while. They are the obscure nonfiction reads that help us discover something new with the turn of a page. It really doesn’t matter what topic you want to learn about.

    The Best Nonfiction Books

    non fiction birding booksWhen you are seeking information about something, you can easily find the answers within a book. There are many available for specific topics that people feel are important. These books are not always the most entertaining to read. In fact, you may sometimes find them boring since they are for informational purposes. The good news is that most authors of these books try to enlighten you with facts while entertaining you with humorous, real life moments that may even make you chuckle.  What will you read about? It is all within easy reach.

    The Many Types of Nonfiction Reads

    There are books that can help you learn factual information about a variety of different things. You may want to learn about a new trade or a specific industry. They are out there if you know where to look. There are books that supposedly make everything less complicated. They are the “For Dummies” type books that give you a dose of humor to ensure you realize you are not the only one who is clueless about getting into something new. Another very popular nonfiction book series is designed for expectant mothers. They include the “What to expect books.” These books are designed to tell you what you can expect during pregnancy, delivery, and even during the first few months after childbirth. They are books written by people who have an understanding of what you are going through and why you want to know. If you read them during your pregnancy you may also enjoy reading about raw milk breastfeeding as a way to decide if it is right for you or your situation. If you opt to do something different then these books can point you in the right direction by telling you the pros and cons.

    What Will You Learn About Today?

    non fiction learning booksThere are books that can tell you what makes Google tick, which can be helpful if you are trying to build up your online business. There are nonfiction novels that can help you understand the Revolutionary War. Through books, we can learn about how to turn our life around, stop holding regret over things that we cannot change, and discover what may ultimately make us a happier person. There may be new craft ideas that you can discover and who knows, you may find out something that you have always wanted to know about. That is what they are for after all. They are self help books and discovery books. Are you ready to discover something new?